The languages of the writers and artists featured in this issue include: Dene Tha’, Halkomelem/Halqemeylem, Hesquiaht, Lakota, Mè’phàà, Michif, Mi’gmaq/Mi’kmaw, Nehiyawewin, nsyilxcən, Ojibwemowin, Secwepemctsin, and Unangam Tunuu.

Explore the vibrant voices of Indigenous languages in Issue 14, Âniskôverberation! This powerful collection features poetry, stories, and artwork from talented Indigenous writers and artists across Turtle Island, highlighting the beauty and resilience of their languages.

Message from SILR
“Everybody is equipped to learn their language, because language is in our DNA. It’s in our soul memory. It’s in everything we do.”
— Lynda Minoose, SILR Advisory Council